Tutorial MY SEO : Analytics

Saturday, January 16, 2016



Image result for Analytics

It helps to install a free or cheap analytics program like Google Analytics or before you start marketing so you can see what keywords you rank for. It is easier to rank for related keywords than to rank for entirely new keywords.

You can also use pay per click marketing on Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft right off the start to learn what keywords convert well for you and which keywords do not.

Keyword Selection

Keywords are what help your site get recognized by Internet search engines, and as a result, help would-be customers find your Internet presence. There are many strategies that can be employed to ensure the likelihood of your website coming up in keyword searches:

       Use a keyword tool to help you find the most targeted keywords for your site.

       Pick themes or keyword baskets around which you can optimize the various sections of your site.

       Targeting keyword phrases is a much better idea than trying to target individual words. Keyword phrases tend to be easier to rank well for AND they typically convert far better than individual words.

       Target different keyword phrases on each page.

       Target no more than one or two primary and two or three secondary keyword phrases per page.

       If you generate hundreds (or even thousands) of pages of content, make sure they read well and have unique content. Over time, if people cite your content, your page will start to rank for many different terms as long as it is unique and targeted around a theme.

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